Serves 8-10.
- 50g (2oz) butter
- 2tbs vegetable oil.
- 1kg (2lb) pork, cubed.
- 1kg (2lb) lean veal, cubed.
- 2 onions, finely chopped.
- 3 garlic cloves, crushed.
- 1kg (2lb) green tomatoes, blanched, peeled and chopped.
- 3 green peppers, pith and seeds removed and chopped.
- 4 California green chillis, chopped.
- 2 tbs tomato puree.
- 1 tbs chopped fresh marjoram.
- 1 tbs chopped chives.
- 1 tbs chopped fresh basil.
- 2 tsp grated nutmeg.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- 1 tsp sugar.
- 250ml (8fl oz)
- 1 cup chicken stock.
- 250ml (8fl oz)
- 1 cup dry sherry.
- 75ml (3fl oz) 3/8 cup double (heavy) cream.
- Melt the butter with the oil in a large flameproof casserole.
- Add the meat and fry until it is evenly browned.
- Transfer to a plate.
- Add the onions and garlic to the casserole and fry until they are soft.
- Stir in the tomatoes, peppers, chillis, tomato puree, herbs, seasoning and sugar and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
- Return the meat to the casserole and pour over the stock and sherry.
- Bring to the boil.
- Reduce the heat to low, cover the casserole and simmer the stew for 1½ hours, or until the meat is cooked through and tender.
- Remove from the heat and stir in the cream.
- Serve at once, straight from the casserole.
This Mexican stew incorporates one of the specialities of the country, green tomatoes.