Partridge & Currimbhoy Salad

Serves 4.


  • 2 partridge, boned ,marinaded in Indian spices, rolled and braised.
  • 250gms. cos lettuce or any large leafy lettuce
  • 200gms. mayonnaise.
  • 2 medium green chillis, very finely minced.
  • 2 heaped tablespoons chopped fresh coriander.
  • 2/3 finely minced garlic cloves.
  • Fried croutons cut from 4 slices of thin sliced white bread, deep fried and well drained.
  • 4 whole boiled eggs.
  • Salt as desired after blending the mayonnaise.
  • Lime juice from half a lime or more as desired.


Only start this process when you are ready to serve.

  1. Break the lettuce leaves into inch sized pieces or smaller, wash and drain well.
  2. Take the minced garlic, the green chilli and the coriander and add to a large bowl, big enough to take in all the combined ingredients.
  3. Peel the boiled eggs and dice them up coarsely.
  4. The size of the dice should be approximately ½cm. Keep these in another small bowl or a small plate.
  5. Now add the mayonnaise to the bowl and blend well with the garlic, chilli and coriander.
  6. Season with the salt and limejuice and taste again.
  7. Add the diced eggs and lettuce leaves and mix well.
  8. Do not over mix as the lettuce will go limp very rapidly.
  9. Add half the croutons whilst mixing and reserve the remaining for the final service.
  10. Serve on a plate and sprinkle the remaining croutons on the top and some fresh chopped coriander if you like.
  11. Then slice the partridge and place next to the salad.

Nb. Unfortunately this salad does not keep well once mixed and therefore all preparation should be completed prior to blending.

This was one of the most famous salads served at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Bombay at the time when I worked there. I do believe that it was the most popular salad in the Taj Group of Hotels also during that period. It is simple and easy to prepare. The end result for all those liking a little zing is absolutely fabulous. It makes an excellent accompaniment to crumb-fried food or seafood fried in semolina. For the die-hard vegetarian you can skip the boiled egg and use a mayonnaise without eggs. This salad is delicious when served with fresh partridge in season that has been boned, marinated in a classical Indian style then rolled and slowly braised.

Courtesy of Cyrus Todiwala.