Serves 2.
- 1 leg of mutton
- 2 tablespoons whole cumin seeds.
- 1 tablespoon whole coriander seeds.
- 1 tablespoon black pepper.
- 1 teaspoon crushed dried jalapeno chillies.
- 1 teaspoon crushed garlic.
- 2 inches root ginger grated.
- 5 tablespoons oil.
- 1 teaspoon garam masala.
- Toast the cumin and coriander seeds in a frying pan on high heat until they start to crackle and brown, grind them and the other whole spices to a coarse powder.
- Mix all the ingredients together, except the oil, into a dryish paste and rub over the outside of the joint.
- Baste the meat with the oil and roast according to the joint’s weight.
A young mutton can be roasted as you would a leg of lamb, an older mutton would be better roasted at a lower temperature for 6-8 hours until it reaches about 75 degrees in the centre. If you can’t find crushed jalapeno chillies (Schwartz sell them into the UK through most supermarkets) use slightly less volume of chilli powder. The beauty of this rub is it creates a wonderfully aromatic and spicy crunch to the exterior without overpowering or detracting from the wonderful flavour of the mutton itself, giving two taste sensations in one mouthful.
One of our loyal customers runs the website. He has kindly sent in this mutton curry recipe. Have a look at his website for more curry idea. If you have never tried genuine mutton then I highly recommend that you give it a try, unfortunately difficult to find these days, it can be bought online from Blackface you will need to buy half a mutton but I’m sure it is not likely to last long.