Quick and easy lunch or starter for 4.
- 4 woodpigeon breasts.
- Seasoning.
- Butter.
- 100g or a big bowl of salad.
- 50g of blaeberries or blueberries.
- Oil and vinegar.
- Take woodpigeon or 400g of any mixed game pieces, e.g. rabbit, grouse breast, venison steak pieces and season them with salt and pepper.
- Pan-fry briefly in butter
- Set aside on a warmed plate to rest, keeping the cooking juices.
- Put together a mixed leaf salad, using lettuce or mixed garden salads, celery leaves and fresh chives.
- Slice the cooked game thinly and toss into the salad with the cooking juices, berries and some oil and vinegar.
Courtesy of Mark Hix.